Category Archives: Tutorials

Tutorial 3: Connecting an OLED display to ESP8266

Whether you want to show sensor readings, implement a navigational user interface menu, or display diagnostic information during prototyping a project, a graphic OLED display is always a cool add-on to embedded systems. In this tutorial, we will learn how to interface an I2C monochromatic OLED screen to ESP8266 (we will use EasyESP-1 board) using Arduino IDE. The OLED display used in this tutorial is SSD1306-based that can be bought for ~$5 on eBay or Aliexpress. You can also get a similar I2C OLED display with a grove connector from Elecrow for plug-and-play interfacing with the EasyESP-1 board. Buy EasyESP-1 board Hardware Setup

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Tutorial 2: EasyESP-1 “Hello World” Example

After setting up the Arduino IDE to enable support for ESP8266, it’s time to write your first code for EasyESP-1 board. We will start with the classic hello world! example of electronics, a flashing LED. This is the best example to start with any new hardware platform as it gives us an opportunity to verify that the required software tools/drivers are installed properly and ready to rock. Hardware Setup In this example, we will connect the LD1 and D1 pins of J3 header together with a jumper wire as shown below. This will connect the LD1 LED near the bottom right corner of

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Tutorial 1: Setting up the Arduino IDE for EasyESP-1

One of the simplest way to program the ESP8266 chip on board EasyESP-1 is using the Arduino IDE. Following steps describe how to enable the ESP8266 support in the Arduino environment. Step 1 : Install Arduino IDE The first step toward setting up the Arduino platform for programming EasyESP-1 is to download and install the Arduino IDE. Go to the Arduino website and download Arduino IDE 1.6.11. Step 2: Install ESP8266 core package Next step is to install the ESP8266 core for Arduino IDE. It is an add-on that allows to write sketches for ESP8266 using the Arduino IDE  and its libraries. The easiest way

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How to send email and text messages using ESP8266

Earlier we looked at a method of programming ESP8266 to send sensor data directly to Google Sheets without using any third party modules. Now, we will expand that a little bit and learn to send an email as well as a text message (SMS) using ESP8266. In this demo, we will configure our ESP8266 to send an email and a text message when the value of a variable (which could be a sensor output, or any other physical quantity) goes beyond a threshold limit. This is not entirely a new topic as there are similar tutorials available online to show how to do

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Tiva C GPIOs

GPIOs are the basic interfaces of any microcontroller. Without GPIOs we won’t have any other way to use a micro and it will be nothing more different than a chunk of well-fabricated silicon. Through them we can interface both transducers or sensors and actuators. We can also connect other devices like a display, external devices and so on. As with any ARM microcontroller, the GPIOs of TM4C12x Tiva C ARM microcontrollers are very elaborate, having many options that are usually unavailable in common 8-bit microcontrollers. The one we are interested in – the TM4C123GH6PMI – is a 64-pin micro with

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