Tag Archives: V-USB

USB media volume control

This simple ATTiny 2313-based USB media controller design from Rupert Hirst lets you add an external volume and mute control to your PC. It uses V-USB, a software implementation of a USB 1.1 compliant for lower end AVR microcontrollers that do not natively support USB.

USB media control using ATTiny2313

USB media control using ATTiny2313

I chose to go with the Zener 3V6 (3.6volts) diode approach to keep the Micro power rails at 5volts as I have in most of my experiments.The specification of the 3V6 type Zener is very important to the design, the total power consumption of the part must be no more than 500mw (0.5w)! due to extra capacitance on the USB -DATA and +DATA lines. A Zener rated at 250mw (0.25w) would be ideal yet I have yet to find any in a through hole part.

USB business card with a computer chip

Have you ever seen a business card with a computer chip embedded on it? This one does. It has an ATtiny85 microcontroller chip that stores all your personal details. You plug it into an USB port of your computer, and find the details about the person opened into a text editor. The firmware uses V-USB (which is a software only implementation of USB) that allows the ATtiny85 microcontroller to act as an USB keyboard device, and type the stored info into the open text editor window.

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