Monthly Archives: September 2012

Assembly instructions for Easy Pulse kit

Assembling Easy Pulse kit is pretty simple and straightforward. There are two versions of PCBs which are mostly the same. In the second version the J1 connector has 5 pins instead of 4. I have added an additional VCC pin next to the EN pin. This would allow users to test the board quickly after being assembled. You can activate the sensor by simply placing a jumper between the EN and VCC pins, and the board is ready for operation. While soldering the parts, start with low profile components such as resistors and capacitors. This makes overall soldering process easier.

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Introducing Easy Pulse: A DIY photoplethysmographic sensor for measuring heart rate

When I first built the Heart rate measurement through fingertip project, the infrared LED and photodiode used for finger photoplethysmography were actually from salvaged parts, and therefore, I could not provide specifications for them in the article. As a result of that it takes quite a bit of time to replicate that project with a different set of IR LED and photodiode as the values of the current limiting and biasing resistors may have to be changed for the new sensor to work properly. Today, I am going to talk about a revised version of the same project but with all the

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