Monthly Archives: October 2012

Norfolk Mini Maker Faire 2012

Yesterday (October 20, 2012) was Mini Maker Faire day in Norfolk, Virginia. This was the first Maker Faire happened in the Hampton Roads area. It was really good to see people from local hackerspaces and maker communities and their interesting projects. Here are some pictures that I took at the event.

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A quick start-up guide for TI’s Stellaris Launchpad

The Stellaris® LM4F120 LaunchPad Evaluation Board is a low-cost evaluation platform for ARM® Cortex™-M4F-based microcontrollers from Texas Instruments. This quick start-up guide from Texas Instruments will help you verify that your tools are properly installed and that you can edit, compile, download and debug your code on the Stellaris® LM4F120 LaunchPad.

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Mini project board for PIC12F series microcontrollers

The 12F series of PIC microcontrollers are handy little 8-pin devices designed for small embedded applications that do not require too many I/O resources, and where small size is advantageous. These applications include a wide range of everyday products such as hair dryers, electric toothbrushes, rice cookers, vacuum cleaners, coffee makers, and blenders. Despite their small size, the PIC12F series microcontrollers offer interesting features including wide operating voltage, internal programmable oscillator, 4 channels of 10-bit ADC, on-board EEPROM memory, on-chip voltage reference, multiple communication peripherals (UART, SPI, and I2C), PWM, and more. The following project board is designed for fast

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