Tag Archives: Arduino wristwatch

DIY Arduino Pedometer Wristwatch

Benhur.Goncalves shared his design of an Arduino-based Wristwatch that features Pedometer along with Temperature, Altitude and Compass sensors.

Arduino Pedometer wristwatch

Arduino Pedometer wristwatch

Hi folks! Last few days I’ve been obsessed with the idea to make my own watch from arduino parts, but something cool I could use and say I did it myself. So I found out there was a sensor board (commonly named GY-87) which had three sensors on it: HMC5883L (compass), BMP085 (pressure, altitude, temperature) and MPU6050 (accelerometer and gyroscope). With it, via I2C, I could add an Arduino Pro Mini, and an I2C Oled Display and make a watch capable of having all this information, plus a pedometer (by analysing accelerometer data).

Cool enough, it was incredibly easy to make, and you will just need some cheap parts, a small amount of Eagle PCB knowledge, some skill on making your own PCB board, and preferably a cheap watch to unmount and get the bracelet / carcass.

Before start, I’ll just post some pictures of previous versions I made so you can have an idea of the challenges you’ll face, and stuff you can add if you like. Let’s get going!