Monthly Archives: January 2011

Interface a barometric pressure sensor with Arduino

This tutorial describes how to use a pressure sensor with an Arduino board. The sensor used is BMP085, which is a high-precision, ultra-low power barometric pressure sensor for use in advanced mobile applications. It offers superior performance with an absolute accuracy of down to 0.03 hPa and using very low power consumption down to 3 µA. The BMP08 accepts 1.8 to 3.6 Volts and supports I2C interface.

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AVR: self-monitoring its own power supply

How would a microcontroller know how it’s own supply voltage is changing? Well, most microcontrollers have built in analog-to-digital converters that can read an input analog voltage and convert it to a digital number. So, it might be suggestive to use a similar technique. But the problem is, any ADC operation requires a reference voltage, which in most cases, is either the source voltage or one derived from it. So, how would you monitor the source voltage through ADC that uses the same source voltage as reference? The following article describes a way to do this without using any additional

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Radio link between two Arduino boards

If you are looking  a wireless communication between two Arduino modules, this project might be helpful. It uses low costs RF transmitter and receiver from Sparkfun to establish a radio link between the Arduino boards up to 500 ft. Data can be transferred serially at the maximum rate of 2400 bps. The author provides details on hardware and application software.

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Arduino-Python based multiple servo control

This tutorial describes how to control multiple servos with an Arduino module interfaced to a PC through serial port. The application program on the PC is written in Python script that gives control commands to the Arduino module. The Arduino module receives the commands through its serial input and then moves each servo to its commanded position. The hardware part consists of an Arduino module, four JR Sport ST47 standard servos, and a breadboard to prototype the circuit.

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Lab 10: DC motor interfacing to PICMicro

Description Perhaps one of the most entertaining things to do with an embedded microcontroller is to get it to actually move something. Three very popular devices used to “make things move” include dc motors, RC servos, and stepper motors. This lab session will look at how you can interface a dc motor to a PIC microcontroller. Required Theory DC motors are simple two-lead, electrically controlled devices that convert electrical power into mechanical power through the interaction of two magnetic fields. One field is usually produced by a stationary permanent magnet (on the stator), and the other field is produced by

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