Monthly Archives: March 2011

DIY power supply for home server computer

This project describes a home made power supply for a small server computer. It uses a toroidal power transformer (not the conventional transformer) to step down the mains AC voltage. The advantages of using a Toroidal is it is quiet, efficient and smaller in size. The transformer output is then rectified and capacitive filtered. DC regulation is achieved using PTN78020 for the 12v supply, and PTN78000 for the 5V one.

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A simple spectrum analyzer using dsPIC30F4011

This project (posted on hobbydebraj) describes a simple spectrum analyzer based on a dsPIC30F4011 microcontroller. It uses Microchip’s FFT library codes to calculate the frequency spectrum of an input signal. The signal conditioning is achieved by a TL084 Op-amp IC. The peaks of spectrum are displayed on a graphics LCD.

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Voice controlled robotic vehicle

In this video, Carlos Asamat describes an Arduino driven speech controlled robotic vehicle. The required components and modules to construct this robot can be purchased from RobotShop. The voice commands are processed through a speech recognition hardware module and are transferred to the vehicle through Xbee RF communication modules. The speech recognition module is controlled through an Arduino Uno. The robotic vehicle to be controlled is the DFRobotShop Rover,which is a very versatile programmable robot platform. Besides the mechanical structure of the robot, the DFRobotShop Rover PCB also incorporates a standard Arduino Duemilanove (surface mount ATMega328), L293B motor driver, voltage regulator and an additional prototyping

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Arduino based water usage meter

This project (from Teague Labs) was intended to study the usage of water for various purposes and how this information could affect behaviors of persons using water when displayed on real time. The water meter sensor used in this project is INS-FM17N from Koolance. The sensor is directly interfaced to an Arduino that acquires and send data to a web server to make it available online.

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