Monthly Archives: June 2012

DIY directional control input pad

This DIY directional pad will allow you to provide user inputs or to navigate through the LCD menu in your microcotroller based project. It has got five input tact switches that are readable through one ADC channel. The resistor divider network on board provides a unique analog voltage for each key press which can be identified through an ADC channel.  

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chipKIT Tutorial 4: Interfacing a character LCD

Liquid Crystal Displays(LCDs ) are a very popular output device for displaying graphical and alphanumeric data in microcontroller based systems. They can also provide an interactive input interface to the users. The most common type of LCD controller used by hobbyists is the Hitachi 44780, which provides a relatively simple interface between a processor and an LCD. The purpose of this tutorial is to describe how to interface Hitachi 44780–based LCDs with the chipKIT Uno32 board to display alphanumeric information.

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