Monthly Archives: July 2013

mbed powered automated Sun tracker

Maximizing power output from a solar system is desirable to increase efficiency. One way of maximizing power output is by keeping the solar panels always aligned with the sun. This requires a means of tracking the sun. Here is an mbed powered solar tracker that continuously keeps track of the sun and points the solar panels directly towards the sun all the time. The project uses two smaller solar cells (besides the large solar pannels) placed right angle to each other. The alignment of the big solar panels and smaller solar cells is such that when the solar panels are directly facing

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Arduino cell phone

This instructable describes how to make a DIY GSM phone using Arduino Uno and GSM/GPRS shield. The project uses a TFT LCD with touch screen to provide an user interface required to operate the phone. This Arduino phone can receive & send message, dial & answer phone calls, and display real time clock.

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Arduino clock with MP3 alarm

Here’s a very nice digital alarm clock using Arduino and VS1053 MP3 decoder board. VS1053b is a single-chip MP3/AAC/-WMA/MIDI audio decoder that contains a high-performance, proprietary low-power DSP processor core VS DSP4, working data memory, 16 KB instruction RAM and 0.5+ KB data RAM for user applications running simultaneously with any built-in decoder, serial control and input data interfaces, upto 8 general purpose I/O pins, an UART, as well as a high-quality variable-samplerate stereo ADC (mic, line, line + mic or 2×line) and stereo DAC, followed by an earphone ampli?er and a common voltage buffer. This project uses 128×64 GLCD

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DIY FM transmission station using Arduino

This project describes an Arduino-based FM transmission using the KT0803K Digital Stereo FM Transmitter Radio-Station-on-a-Chip. The KT0803K device is designed to process high fidelity stereo audio signal and transmit modulated FM signal over a short range. It features an on-board 20-bit audio ADC and supports standard I2C interface for frequency setting and power control. The project uses the Nokia 5110 GLCD for display and a potentiometer for varying the frequency of FM transmission.

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Two way Bluetooth between Arduino and Android

This instructable describes an Android application named Andruino that can be used to control an Arduino board from an Android phone. It’s both an Android app and an Arduino program, and provides a simple user interface to control Arduino’s digital and PWM, send text commands to Arduino, and receive data from  Arduino over Bluetooth serial using the popular and inexpensive HC-05 Bluetooth serial module.

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