Category Archives: Arduino

Nocturnal hypoglycaemia detector

Hypoglycaemia is a condition characterized by an abnormally low level of glucose in blood. It is associated with diabetes, and is likely to occur if someone with diabetes takes too much insulin, eats less than usual, or exercises too hard. Novirium‘s Nighttime Hypoglycaemia monitor is a bluetooth-enabled device that acts as a safety net for type 1 diabetics, while they’re sleeping. The nighttime hypoglycemia results in excessive sweating. This monitor measures the skin temperature and humidity to detect severe nocturnal hypoglycaemic events. Measurements are taken periodically and are sent to a nearby Android phone via Bluetooth. If such an event is detected,

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Smart stick for visually impaired

This project article from 4D Systems describes how to build a smart stick that uses sonar to guide visually impaired. It uses 4Duino, which is an Arduino compatible computer board with built in 240×320 resolution TFT LCD Display and Wi-Fi capabilities. The stick consists of three ultrasonic sensors that can sense obstacles in three directions (left, right and front) within a distance of 400 cm. When an obstacle is detected within the range, the user is notified with the activation of a vibration motor. Because 4Duino is WiFi enabled, the user can also send text messages to a web browser for help in emergency situations

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Open source glucose meter shield

M. Bindhammer won an award for the Assistive Technologies category of the 2016 Hackaday Prize contest for designing an open source Arduino shield that can measure blood glucose level using electrochemical test strips. His glucose meter shield receives the blood sample through a One Touch Ultra test strip and prints out the glucose level on the Arduino IDE serial monitor window. Here is a demo video of the glucose meter shield. Typically the electrodes are coated such that an enzymatic chemical reaction occurs at the electrode surface and this reaction dictates the resulting current. The details of the electrochemistry can be quite

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DIY Buck-Boost converter

A buck-boost (also known as step-down and step-up) converter is a type of DC-to-DC converter that combines the principles of the buck and boost switched mode power supplies in a single circuit. What this means is the input voltage could be either higher or lower than the desired output voltage. The Buck-boost converter is very useful in battery-powered systems, where the battery voltage can vary quite a bit depending upon its charge condition and usage, to derive a stable DC supply for an electronics circuit. GreatScott‘s new Youtube video tutorial explains the basics of Buck-Boost converters and shows how to build

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Arduino distance meter

HC-SR04 is a very popular ultrasonic sensor for short distance measurements in DIY projects. This Instructable describes how to use it with an Arduino board to build an inexpensive distance meter with range 2-400cm. The measured distance is displayed on a Nokia 5110 LCD screen using a large size font for improved readability. The Instructable explains the details of how the HC-SR04 sensor works and can be interfaced with the Arduino for ranging with an accuracy of 3mm. In simpler words, the sensor, sends an ultrasound, then it detects wheather this ultrasound has bounced off of an object or not. If the ultrasound

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