Category Archives: Arduino

Arduino Mini weather station

Matej Blagšič posted instructions for building a Bluetooth-enabled Arduino-based mini weather station that can measure ambient temperature, pressure and humidity. The main question is why did I/we choose the Seeeduino V4. If we were going for a cheap Chinese alternative, we could have gone with Funduinos or anything like that, as the Seeeduino is only a few bucks cheaper. The answer is the features. I see it as an upgrade to the Arduino Uno. It has all the features labeled with arrows. Some are subtle like the micro USB port, as many of us have smart phones that uses the

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DIY USB power meter stick

Electro-Labs has posted a new project about making a DIY USB power meter based on Atmega328 processor. It sits between the USB port of the computer and the USB device to be connected to monitor the USB output supply voltage and the current drawn by the USB load device. The computed power consumption is displayed on a small OLED on the board. The USB meter stick itself gets powered from the USB port. The board is built around an Atmel ATMEGA328 microcontroller. To make the circuit as small as possible, the MCU is used in minimal configuration. Internal 8MHz oscillator is

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Arduino compass

If your car’s dashboard does not feature compass, you might be interested in this DIY digital compass using Arduino and HMC5883L triple axis magnetometer. The direction you are heading is displayed on a tiny OLED. I’m astounded that some cars don’t have a digital compass always visible. You either have to launch the navigation app each time which may even disappear when you adjust the radio. In this project, you’ll create a digital compass that can be powered by by the cigarette lighter or another source (batteries make it handheld). You could buy one, but where’s the fun in that? You’ll

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