Category Archives: AVR Projects

50 MHz range frequency counter using AT90S2313

A wide range frequency meter is an useful tool for an electronics lab. This projects describes a frequency meter based on AT90S231 microcontroller that can measure input frequencies up to 50 MHz. The measured frequency is displayed on 6 digit multiplexed seven segment displays. It uses two external high-speed 8-bit counters (74HC590) in cascade to count the incoming pulses. Depending upon the input frequency, the counting interval for the external counter circuit is changed by the microcontroller for getting better accuracy. The firmware for AT90S231 is provided in C.

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Easy Data Logger with Virtual USB

“V-USB is a software-only implementation of a low-speed USB device for Atmel’s AVR® microcontrollers, making it possible to build USB hardware with almost any AVR® microcontroller, not requiring any additional chip.” For further details on V-USB and licensing, visit This is a data logger project that reads an analog signal, converts into digital number, and sends it to a host computer using Virtual USB. This is a good example application of V-USB. An 8-pin ATtiny45 microcontroller without an external crystal oscillator is used for this demonstration. The beauty of this project is the ATtiny45 presents itself as a USB

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