Category Archives: AVR Projects

Circuit printer: A rapid prototyping machine for electrical circuits

Another interesting micrcontroller-based design project done by Bruce Land‘s students at Cornell this fall is a circuit printer, a rapid prototyping machine that prints electrical circuits on a piece of paper. Designed by Connor Archard and Feiran Chen, this printer uses an electrically conductive ink pen to rapidly create circuits. The circuit to be printed is drawn through an Web-app and can be sent to the printer from anywhere in the local area network. As shown in the following demo video, the Web-app allows users to draw out circuits quickly, converts them into vectors and then send them out frame by frame

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Bluetooth controlled robot car

Christine and Shela‘s final project for the ECE4760 (Digital Systems Design Using Microcontrollers) class they took this fall was a Bluetooth controlled car with a dedicated remote control device. The car and the remote both uses Atmega1248P microcontrollers and HC-05 Bluetooth transceiver modules. The remote also consists of a MPU-6050 gyroscope/accelerometer module on board to sense the tilting angle of the remote. Once the two Bluetooth units are paired, the remote control device continuously sends out the tilt angle data to the car. The Atmega1248P on board the car then linearly maps the tilt angles to the the duty cycles of the

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Real-time sound spectrography using Atmega1284

A sound spectrogram is a visual representation of the frequency components contained in an audio signal. The device that generates the spectrogram is called spectrograph. In a spectrogram, the horizontal axis is time and the vertical axis represents frequency. The spectrogram is color coded or gray-scaled to represent the relative intensity of the sound in each frequency region and time. Some of the applications of spectrograms are speech analysis and enhancement, studying bird and animal calls, music formation, etc. During pre-computer era, the spectrograms were generated using analog techniques that involved a series of bandpass filters. With the advent of

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Gesture glove to vocalize sign language

The Fall semester of 2014 is now over and we get to see some new and exciting embedded projects from students of Cornell published on Bruce Land’s ECE4760 class website. Monica Lin and Roberto Villalba have made a gesture glove for people with hearing disabilities. This device is intended to help them to better communicate with other people by converting their gestures into speech. For their project, they used five flex sensors to sense and quantify the bending of each finger, and the MPU-6050 (a 3-axis gyroscope and a 3-axis accelerometer) sensor to detect the orientation and rotational movement of the hand.

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Water softener salt level monitor

Hard water contains more minerals (calcium and magnesium) than ordinary water. Although it is non-toxic, it is less desirable as it can clog water pipes and complicate soap and detergent dissolving in water. It also builds up scales in water heaters over time, thus shortening their operational lifetime. In residential units, hard water is usually softened by installing a water softener unit connected directly to the water supply line. The water softner exchanges salt for the dissolved minerals, which results in softer water. David Cook’s water softener appliance stores the salt supply in a brine tank, which requires refilling in

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