Category Archives: FPGA

Rubik’s cube solver

Alex Whiteway, Sungjoon Park, and Rameez Qurashi (students at Cornell) designed FPGA-driven mechanical arms to solve Rubik’s cube. They used three mechanical arms to hold and rotate the cube. Each arm consists of two servo motors: one for rotating the arm and another for controlling the grip of a mechanical claw attached to the arm. With the help of the arms, a camera scans all six faces of the cube. The faces information is passed into Rubik’s cube solving algorithm, which then determines the moves needed to solve the cube. The move instructions are fed to the FPGA, which then generates PWM signals for the

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RGB audio visualizer using FPGA

Sam Miller, Sahil Gupta, and Mashrur Mohiuddin built a 64×64 RGB LED matrix audio visualizer as their final project for the ECE5760 Microcontroller Design course at Cornell. The visualizer responds to a musical input in real time with a graphic animation on the RGB panel using vertical bars, balls, and particle to enhance the user’s listening experience. The RGB visualizer runs off of an Altera DE2-115 FPGA, which handles all the controls and processing of data for the 64×64 LED Matrix as well as the beat detection and audio output. Our system starts with a musical input from the 3.5mm line-in input from the FPGA.

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FPGA-controlled robot solves Rubik’s cube

Alex Whiteway, Sungjoon Park, and Rameez Qurashi‘s final project for their ECE 5760 course at Cornell was FPGA-controlled mechanical arms to solve Rubik’s cube. While the arms rotate the cube, each cube face is scanned by a camera and the scanned data are passed into a Rubik’s cube solving algorithm, which then computes what the next moves would be towards solving the cube. The move instructions are sent to the FPGA, which in turn sends PWM signals to the servos to rotate the cube accordingly. They write, A variety of Rubik’s cube solvers (including a few FPGA implementations) have been

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