Category Archives: Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi Zero powered DIY skateboard

TheRaspberryPiGuy on YouTube shares his design of a Pi Zero powered DIY skateboard that is controlled with a Nintendo Wiimote over Bluetooth, and is capable of going 30km/h. Visit the YouTube page for details of the parts used to construct the skateboard, and the Python code for the project is posted on a GitHub page. In the following video, you can see TheRaspberryPiGuy racing around Cambridge with his skateboard.

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Raspberry Pi audio processor and synthesizer

With a lot of horse power built in, Raspberry Pi can do a lot of interesting things with audio such as creating artificial sound effects, synthesizing music, etc. PiOSCBOX is a similar low-cost project to build a stand-alone audio effects processor and synthesizer using Raspberry Pi 3 and an external USB sound card. The project features an interactive user interface using a 128×64 graphic LCD and six rotary encoders. The audio processing and synthesizing requires heavy DSP capabilities, which are implemented using Pure Data. Pure Data is an open source visual programming language for musicians and artists to create a software to generate audio/video effects and 2D/3D graphics.

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Raspberry Pi animated GIF camera

Most Raspberry Pi based cameras we have seen so far can take either photo, video or both. But Nick Brewer’s Raspberry Pi Zero camera is little different. It’s a fully customizable 3D printed camera using the Raspberry Pi camera with the capability to take short animated GIFs. The camera runs off a 2500mAH LiPO battery using Adafruit’s PowerBoost 500 charger board. The hardware is controlled with a bunch of softwares including PiCamera, GraphicsMagick, and GifCam. The 3D-printed case for the camera is neat and recalls the days of the disposable cameras.   Everything about this camera is designed to be modified. Want the

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Making your own action camera

Action cameras are great for capturing your favorite sport activities. Connor Yamada‘s describes how to build a DIY action camera using Raspberry Pi A+ computer and a Pi camera board. This camera can take both still and movie shots and is bluetooth and wifi enabled that allows wireless file transfers between the camera and a host computer. Connor also designed a 3D-printed enclosure for the camera that houses everything including a 2000mAh capacity rechargeable battery. In order to reduce the form factor his action camera, Connor had to remove the USB jack from one USB port on the Pi board with some side cutters and solder a ribbon cable to the

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Retro table radio breathes new life with a Pi zero and becomes talkative

A late 1940s DeWald table radio is given a new life by the Instructable user MisterM using a Raspberry Pi Zero, some RGB LEDs, and a pair of PC Speakers. The radio can read out notifications from various internet-connected services using Pyvona, a Python wrapper for Amazon’s IVONA text-to-speech engine along with IF This Then That (IFTTT) integration. The RGB LEDs light the radio’s dial with a different color depending on the keywords detected (Red for the word ‘YouTube’, Orange for ‘Sunset’, etc ) in the notification text. Sorting out the audio was little bit challenging because the Pi Zero does not have a

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