About us

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Raj Bhatt
Electronics enthusiast, hardware maker, and founder of Embedded Lab I started Embedded Lab in 2010 as a hobby project to document my personal electronics projects and to support newbees in the DIY and maker communities by providing open-access tutorials and projects. I hope you enjoy my posts as much as I have enjoyed writing them. I welcome the report of errors and suggestions for improvements. If you would like to reach me for any reason (question, comment, project share, or just to say hello), you can email me at |
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Shawon Shahryiar
Technologist, electronics hobbyist, programmer, and content contributor at Embedded Lab Graduated from Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology (AUST), Dhaka with an electrical engineering degree, I am an expert in solar energy and LED lighting. Currently, I am a researcher in the R&D department of a local private industry, where I work on developing industrial automation devices like automatic sun tracking system, telecom equipments, generator controllers, MPPT chargers, smart LED drivers, etc using embedded systems. My passion is my work. Email: sshahryiar at gmail.com Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ |
Sir, i’m using 18F452 pic and when i simulate through the proteus 8, it shows a warning “attempt to execute an illegal opcode” and circuit not working. system only perform 2 channel frequency test and voltage level test and it shows in LCD. But when i run these codes separate or when remove the LCD display code, system work fine. i cant find any error on my code. Can you help me plz..
sir, can i use LM393 insted of mcp6004?? i tried with lm393. but i ddnt get pulse.
can you posting how to control power like dimmer use pic
Your web site is pentastic!.
Give me your contact details
for my project development.
Thanks with regards,
How to activate the week pull ups for 16f887
or give one lab experiment.
i am doing display board using arduino gsm shield .please help me how can i transmit output data from serial montior to led.
Hi Ali here,
want help in humidity and temperature controller circuit if it is easy for you to help.. kindly let me know … email me
Sou psicologo e eletrônico no Brasil e gostaria da ajuda de você quanto o medidor de batimentos cardiacos com arduino. Preciso colocar as informações em um programa de temperatura produzido no Lab View.
Vocês podem vender as placas de circuitos completa para o Brasil?
Obrigado e fico no aguardo.
Dear Mr.Raj
I assembled your Programmable timer and it’s working properly. But I need one more thing to be added. Can you program this unit to set for second timing also. If so kindly help me to get it done.
Hello All
How do you do?
I am electronic engineer and I would like to made small project with STi5518 microprocessor that use in digital receiver satellite but I don’t know how to programming , and I searching in web not find any software or tutorial or programmer.
So Please can you help me to learn how to use this one where I have datasheet.
Thank you for reading my message and any help from you I will happy.
Best Regards
Hi, I am new to MikroC. I wanna build a LED chaser with a single push button to manually change the pattern. So far I have 5 patterns. How do i use the button? Can’t seem to figure it out. I’m using pic16f84a with the 8 leds connected in RB0-RB7 respectively. The button is at RA0. Will appreciate any help from you guys. Thanks
I have a question about using CCP function in Microchip PIC16F1828. I have tried Module CCP2 for Capture, and Module CCP1 for Compare to generate the similar signal which is captured in Module 2. Because both functions using same Timer1, so I don’t know is it possible to do it or not ? I tried using interrupt on both functions or mixed between interrupt & polling or both polling but not success. do you have any idea about it. Thanks.
I am writing a program which can take the analogue voltage reading and use adc to convert this signal into digital signal and display In terms of digital values. Initially I was using a digital lcd and displayed the above mentioned data on lcd. Now I need a program which can display the data in the form of a dial (gauge) on GLCD with a needle showing the change in voltage.
I am using
1. PIC – C compiler
2. 18F452 micro controller
3. HDM64GS12 GLCD with a KS0108 display controller. The HDM64GS12 is 128 by 64 pixels GLCD
4. I have driver file “HDM64GS12.c”. This file contains drivers for using a Hantronix HDM64GS12 .
5. I also have a graphics file named ”graphics.c”. It contains functions to draw lines, rectangles, bars, circles and text to a display
Dear Sir
where and how can I buy some of the items seen in your site ?
Where can I get a range of your products in South Africa?
i see your web sit and injoy
very very very tank’s
please i just want to let you know that lab1 “blinking LED” ckt schematic needs small modification for it to work.
the connecting diode to RA2 comes before the resistor ie negative terminal of diode is connected to resistor and resistor to ground. once this is done the ckt works when powered.
I have tried every means for lab4 and 5 it is not working is there any wrong connection in the publication?
Thanks need reply asap
I need someone to write the code for a pic that will do the following:
1st. The Pic should be a small one an able to keep the function in memory.
2nd. This will have two buttons one for UP and DOWN level LED DIMMING.
3rd. This will have an input when selecting the LED channel. (LED 1 or LED2) selector.
4th. When selected the LED 2 and the buttons are used to UP/DOWN the LED will be in
stage LOW-MED-HIGH and VI-versa when using the UP/DOWN again.
5th. When selected the LED 1 the UP/DOWN buttons the LED will increase or decrease
according to how many times the buttons is pressed.
If more details are needed please shoot me an email or contact me:
thanks a lot!
i can not run this sensor circuit. LED FIST TIME ON AND POWER OFF TIME LED IS ON
i am working on project of this link
so plz help me for purchasing code
Hi. Great website. I wonder if you can help me figure out how to make a “Marquee” type sign using F84’s or 628’s on a 1×16 HD44780 LCD display.
Your site has helped me understand and complete a repeating message display that cycles though 4 lines of message, but I really have no idea where to start when trying to “March” characters.
If you could provide a snippet of assembly code that I could start with it would be GREATLY appreciated.
Keep up the good work and have a nice day.
Hi RB ,
A sincere thanks to you for clearing my concepts on PIC.
Keep doing the same.
Dear sir,
We are looking for PIR sensor as like of what you have designed.Please send us the quotation for further details.
Dear Sir, I am making a device for Medical Purposes.. I successfully designed the prototype and programming also.. My simulation in proteus and my programming in MikroC. The project type to take some blood test. and this test taken from light. I am using the light to voltage converter sensor. and the processor is 18f452. But the problem is now. When I am adding more function to the program. it compiled successfully, but the simulation is having problem to show the numeric data on the screen. Everything going ok. But only by adding two more function, the problem is happening in simulation. There are too many space in the processor still now. But why that is happening. Please give me some valuable advice. Please…
Need heart rate monitor EEG or EKG circuit to viols
iam working on the project humidity and temperature measurement using dht11 sensor & pic16f628a and am not able to generate output.so kindly give me the steps to work it and theory behind each component used
i am new in gprs connection project.i have fargo maestro 20 gsm/gprs modem.
Could you please send how can i connect gprs and wanna upload a data in particular website or else wanna send e mail
Please help me
Thank you
Hi i was wandering if you can help me.
I am trying to measure the oxygen saturation in the blood to do that i need an infrared wavelength and a red one.
Hence, I would like to know if there is any component like tcrt1000 and tcrt1010 but with red light rather than infrared.
Thank you
I’m trying to build a sign using 125 leds but don’t know what kind of circuit i need to use. Can you help me out on building this. i want the sign to turn off and on and flash the names…
sir can u please send me the block diagram and circuit connection detailed diagram of inter logging pill dispenser please. It would be very helpful for my project work
Hello – Have you tried an ear clip style sensor with your Easy Pulse Sensor? For example: http://www.kytocn.com/mod_product-view-p_id-106.html
i am working pic18f67j11 i want to turn gsm simcom800 throw software by sending square wave to that power in
i want to generate 1sec delay using can anyone help me code