Web radio player using Arduino

WebRadio is an inexpensive web radio player designed by Vassilis Serasidis using the Arduino platform. It features high-quality stereo output and 14 pre-defined radio stations, which can be set/modified in the Arduino sketch. The Arduino sends a request to a WebRadio server through the ethernet module (ENC28J60). The ENC28J60 is connected to the webradio server, sends the request and waits for response from the server. The response will be the header information of the radio station followed by the audio stream (mp3, aac etc). The arduino gets the answer from the server and sends the received data to the VS1053B mp3, aac,

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Controlling appliances using text messages

This GSM remote control project uses an AVR micro-controller (ATtiny2313) and the GM-47 GSM module to perform ON/OFF switching of remotely located devices through text message. It features four relay switches and eight digital inputs to monitor status of normal or reed switches. The SMS commands are password-protected.

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DIY 2.1 channel audio amplifier

Dilshan Jayakody’s new project is a digitally-controlled 2.1 channel audio amplifier based on the TDA7377 AF power amplifier and PIC18F452 microcontroller. The amplifier provides 2 × 6W + 20W audio output power, ±14dB bass and treble controls, fully configurable +35dB bass booster for sub-woofer and satellite speakers and loudness switch.

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This personalized word clock is very cool

Word clocks are really cool. They tell the time using words. A neat thing about them is you can customize the display to show some personalized messages. Yes, TechKiwi’s new instructable is about making a personalized word clock gift, which displays the recipient’s name as well as some personalised messages such as birthday greetings. The project uses the Arduino Mega board as main controller and the DS3231 RTC chip for time-keeping.

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Adding Bluetooth streaming to your old audio cassette player

With the advent of new audio technologies like CDs, Ipods and MP3 players, all of those old-fashioned cassette players and amplifiers have disappeared today. One of the many features missing on those old devices is wireless music streaming. This Bluetooth Ghettoblaster project by tomatoskins describes how to convert an old-time cassette player into a wireless streaming machine.

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