PCB drill with an USB microscope as visual aid

Single-sided PCBs are relatively easier to homebrew. Holes for PTH components can be drilled with a reasonable accuracy without any sort of visual aid. However, if you want to make double-sided PCBs with strict drilling requirements, eyeballing might not be enough to drill holes at precise locations. This Instructable is about making a USB microscope guided PCB drill to achieve better accuracy in drilling holes in PCBs. Unlike regular drills, this machine drills holes from bottom to top.

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Surfing internet with Arduino Uno

Gilchrist’s PIP Arduino browser is an on-going project to develop a very basic and functional web browser that runs on Arduino Uno. The current version can download and render plain HTML and follow embedded links. Users can page through the hyperlinks with the help of a joystick. The project uses a 320×240 TFT LCD screen for output.

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Mikroelektronika announces to develop compilers for FTDI’s 32-bit MCUs

MikroElektronika has announced a close cooperation with FTDI Chip to develop a series of compilers and hardware development boards for FTDI’s FT90X series of microcontrollers. 1st October 2014 – Belgrade-headquartered development tool chain supplier MikroElektronika has signed a formal agreement with FTDI Chip to create mikroC, mikroBasic and mikroPascal compilers for the FT90X 32-bit microcontroller offering. The FT90X utilises a proprietary 32-bit RISC architecture – allowing it to set performance benchmarks beyond 2.93DMIPS/MHz, with true zero wait-states operation up to 100MHz frequencies, as well as capacious memory and an array of advanced connectivity resources. Read More

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