Automatic timer for sprinkler

This ATtiny25-based automatic timer project is built to control a water sprinkler. The timeout delay is adjusted using a potentiometer, while the on/off operation of the timer is controlled through a tact switch. On the software side, upon power up, the timer flashes the status light to count out the delay in minutes.  10 flashes correlates to 10 minutes.  The ADC reads the potentiometer just during the power up and calculates the delay for further use.  So to change the delay, you first unplug the timer, set the delay, then plug it back in.  This way it will hopefully prevent accidental

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Microchip releases PIC32 based Bluetooth development starter kit

Microchip introduces new PIC32 Bluetooth® Starter Kit to ease the development of Bluetooth enabled products such as thermostats, wireless gaming controllers, barcode scanners and diagnostic tools. Microchip Technology Inc., a leading provider of microcontroller, mixed-signal, analog and Flash-IP solutions, today announced the new PIC32 Bluetooth® Starter Kit.  The full-featured kit boasts a PIC32 microcontroller (MCU), HCI-based Bluetooth radio, Cree high-output multi-color LED, 3 standard single-color LEDs, an analog 3-axis accelerometer, analog temperature sensor and 5 push buttons for user-defined inputs.  Additionally, a PICkit™ On Board (PKOB) which eliminates the need for an external debugger/programmer, USB connectivity and GPIOs for rapid development of

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TPS61230 based 5V LiPo Booster

Jianan Li, a ECE and CS student at Duke University, has designed this 5V LiPo Booster based on TI’s TPS61230 IC. It is breadboard-friendly and it can be directly plugged into the power rails of breadboards of multiple sizes without blocking the vertical 5-pin strips. Jianan has posted the Eagle design files and BOM on Github.

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Control your home lightening with your voice command

MikroElektronika team has posted a tutorial project on constructing a voice controlled light project using their SpeakUP module, which is a speech recognition hardware board that can be configured to recognize over 200 different voice commands and have an on-board MCU to execute the commands instantly. Let’s make – Voice Controlled Lights from mikroElektronika on Vimeo.

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