DIY FM transmitter

This project describes a transistor-based DIY FM transmitter with a range of 1/4 mile and adjustable transmitting frequency from 87-108 MHz. The author has also posted the PCB layout and the schematics of this project.

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Garage door opener scans fingerprint to open the door

This garage door opener built around the parts mostly available from Sparkfun uses the fingerprint scanning mechanism to open the door. As a person without a car, I don’t need to carry keys around everywhere I go. Because of this, I’ve been locked out of my own house several times. It’s a pain to wait for someone with a key, so I thought I would do something about it. This project is my way of solving this problem, while getting the chance to interface with an awesome fingerprint scanner (aka: FPS). Also, this module isn’t restricted to just garage doors, for

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Arduino Tetris on bi-color LED matrix

Nick Lim has posted a new project on building a simple Arduino Nano driven Tetris using two Bi-color LED Matrix Driver Modules that he has designed and is currently selling on his Tindie store named jollyFactory. These display modules use two MAX7219 chip for driving a bi-color 8×8 LED matrix and are chain-able to expand the size of the LED matrix display as required in your project. Four push switches are used in this project to provide an user interface for navigating and rotating the Tetris blocks. An 8 Ohm speaker is also used in the project to generate an audio tone during the play.

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