ESP8266 powered Christmas tree lighting

Christmas lights are an important aspect of the winter holidays in our country. Every year, we look for new fun ways of lighting outside and decorating the Christmas tree. This ESP8266 driven RGB LED lighting for Christmas tree from Evil Genius Labs is an artistic creation and possibly a good option to try if you’re bored of using the same old lighting for your tree. The 6.5’ tall white tree gets lighted with 250 WS2811 RGB LEDs, and controlled by an ESP8266 microcontroller using the FastLED library. The animation can be controlled with a web-based app stored in the on-board flash memory of

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Raspberry Pi Surveillance Rover

It is always cool to have a remote control rover with a camera so that we can see where it is going and can possibly use it for surveillance. This Instructables describes the build process for a similar surveillance rover using the Raspberry Pi computer board with a camera. The rover moves around with the help of two 9V DC motors that are driven using a L298N circuit. The motion is controlled through an Android App running on a tablet or smartphone and the commands to the rover are sent over Bluetooth. The Raspberry Pi also streams a video in real-time

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Raspberry Pi Zero powered DIY skateboard

TheRaspberryPiGuy on YouTube shares his design of a Pi Zero powered DIY skateboard that is controlled with a Nintendo Wiimote over Bluetooth, and is capable of going 30km/h. Visit the YouTube page for details of the parts used to construct the skateboard, and the Python code for the project is posted on a GitHub page. In the following video, you can see TheRaspberryPiGuy racing around Cambridge with his skateboard.

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Dtto robot is the 2016 Hackaday Prize Winner

Dtto, a modular self-reconfigurable robot, is the grand prize winner of the 2016 Hackday contest. Dtto’s design is focused on all-terrain search and rescue operations using bio-inspired locomotion mechanisms. The Dtto Modular Robot has been designed with adaptability in mind. Inspired by how fire antscolonies work, a number of modules (or small robots) find each other, connect mechanically and colaborate to act as one only robot, creating a collective inteligence. They can link together and bulid structures without any central comand. The advantatge of being all modules the same is that, if one of them breaks, it can easily get

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BuzzWatch: A personal tactile reminder

BuzzWatch is a wearable tactile reminder device that can be programmed to vibrate at constant or random intervals notifying the wearer about the passage of time, as well as prompting them to think about what they are doing, and if they need to be somewhere else at the moment. The device uses the Atmel ATTiny13A MCU as its brain, with a thumbwheel potentiometer for setting the time interval of the reminder. A tiny vibrating motor works as a buzzer in the device. The whole electronics fit into a 3D printed ABS case with dimensions of 30x30x9mm. BuzzWatch runs off a 1225 lithium coin cell.

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