DIY Buck-Boost converter

A buck-boost (also known as step-down and step-up) converter is a type of DC-to-DC converter that combines the principles of the buck and boost switched mode power supplies in a single circuit. What this means is the input voltage could be either higher or lower than the desired output voltage. The Buck-boost converter is very useful in battery-powered systems, where the battery voltage can vary quite a bit depending upon its charge condition and usage, to derive a stable DC supply for an electronics circuit. GreatScott‘s new Youtube video tutorial explains the basics of Buck-Boost converters and shows how to build

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ATTiny-based computer with the simplest interface

Designed by Jack Eisenmann, the DUO Binary is an ATTiny84-based computer with a single button for input and a single LED for output. Video demonstration of DUO Binary is posted below. Parts used: Microcontroller: ATTINY84-20PU (x2) 3 pin male header: 69190-403 2 MB flash: SST25VF016B-50-4C-S2AF 128 KB SRAM: 23LC1024-I/P 14 pin IC socket: 4814-3000-CP 8 pin IC socket: 4808-3000-CP (x2) 4 pin female header: 929974-01-04-RK (x2) 4 pin male header: 68000-104HLF SOIC to DIP board: 485-1212 (x3) 0.1 uF capacitor: K104K15X7RF5TL2 Button: B3F-1000 LED: WP7113GD 300 ohm resistor: 291-330-RC (x5) 10K ohm resistor: 291-10K-RC (x1 for microcontroller reset, x1 for

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ESP8266 temperature and humidity logger with deep sleep enabled

ESP8266 has made it possible for hobbyists and makers to develop IoT applications in simple and inexpensive ways. This article shows an example of making a very simple temperature and humidity logger using ESP8266 that uploads the data directly to a cloud service, such as ThingSpeak, and allows to visualize the data in real time. The ESP8266 module used in this project is WeMOS’ D1 Mini board. Because the D1 board comes with the CH340G USB to UART converter module and a micro USB connector preinstalled on board, all you need is an USB cable to upload your program to the ESP8266. For temperature and

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Arduino distance meter

HC-SR04 is a very popular ultrasonic sensor for short distance measurements in DIY projects. This Instructable describes how to use it with an Arduino board to build an inexpensive distance meter with range 2-400cm. The measured distance is displayed on a Nokia 5110 LCD screen using a large size font for improved readability. The Instructable explains the details of how the HC-SR04 sensor works and can be interfaced with the Arduino for ranging with an accuracy of 3mm. In simpler words, the sensor, sends an ultrasound, then it detects wheather this ultrasound has bounced off of an object or not. If the ultrasound

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Robotic fish made of PVC pipes

Eric Dirgahayu’s robotic fish is made of PVC pipe and waterproof servos that are controlled by an Arduino board. Her future plans are to include sensors to measure the quality of water and a few other devices to study underwater ecosystems without disturbing the marine life. It is controlled by an IR remote. First we prepare materials that we will use to create the head of robot fish. the material is a flatten water pipe pvc how to Flatten the water pipe you can see on my previous Intructables here… If you already get flatted pvc, you can download PDF patterns design

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