MyComm: a portable satellite messenger

MyComm is a portable satellite messenger currently being designed by John Grant. It provides true global messaging to keep you connected to your family all the time and from anywhere on Earth beyond the reach of WiFi and GSM networks. Yes, it uses a satellite network for sending and receiving text messages from any point on Earth, including the polar regions. The satellite modem used in his project is RockBLOCK Mk2, that operates in L-band and therefore requires a clear-sky line-of-sight for reliable communication. The message lengths are limited to 340 bytes for transmission and 270 bytes for reception per message. This is the portable

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SunLeaf: Solar-powered wireless sensor module

SunLeaf is a wireless sensor module designed by Adam Vadala-Roth for remote sensing applications. The module is solar/battery powered, low power, connected via WiFi, low cost, and highly scalable. SunLeaf interfaces with several variety sensors, samples, and transmits the data to the cloud. Data is viewed through a web interface. The SunLeaf module intends to be a solution for many remote wireless sensing applications, such as plant health, agriculture, monitoring pollution, and monitoring climate. Module Hardware Specs – ST Microelectronics STM32F446RET6 ARM Cortex M4F 168MHZ MCU – ESP-02 ESP8266 WiFi Module – 4x Seeedstudio UART/USART Grove Sensor Connectors – 4x Seeedstudio

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Data Display glasses for a multimeter

Electrical engineers do not have the luxury of a spacious working desk during field work, and sometimes they could not even find a good spot or stand for a multimeter. Alain Mauer‘s data glasses could come in handy during such situations. He designed a head-mounted display that is Arduino-powered, and receives the multimeter measurements data through Bluetooth, and projects the readings as a virtual image at a distance of ~30cm from the eye using a tiny OLED and a few other optical components. Check out the demo video below:

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Megachordotron is a DIY MIDI controller using Teensy

For 2016 Maker’s Faire at New York, Will Ware made Megachordotron, a Teensy powered MIDI controller with a touch sensitive keysboard. In his own words: “It’s intended for people (like myself) who are too clumsy to play a guitar“. This design is open-source and he has posted all the files on Github. In the following Youtube video, he shows the demo of his instrument.

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Rubik’s cube solver

Alex Whiteway, Sungjoon Park, and Rameez Qurashi (students at Cornell) designed FPGA-driven mechanical arms to solve Rubik’s cube. They used three mechanical arms to hold and rotate the cube. Each arm consists of two servo motors: one for rotating the arm and another for controlling the grip of a mechanical claw attached to the arm. With the help of the arms, a camera scans all six faces of the cube. The faces information is passed into Rubik’s cube solving algorithm, which then determines the moves needed to solve the cube. The move instructions are fed to the FPGA, which then generates PWM signals for the

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