MSP430 Launchpad cyclic timer switch

This MSP430 Launchpad cyclic timer project is written by Shawon Shahryiar from MicroArena and describes a cyclic on/off timer switch with a standard character LCD for displaying the on/off time as well as the state of the switch, and which can be programmed through capacitive touch inputs. The On and Off times can be programmed separately and the timer cycles endlessly through the set times. Shawon uses the TTP224 integrated circuit to implement 4 capacitive touch inputs in the project. The firmware for the project was developed using Energia IDE and can be downloaded from the link at the end

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Automated environmental alert system

DJ‘s Instructable describes an automated environmental alert system consists of four gas sensors to meausure the concentration of methane, propane, carbon monoxide, and smoke in the air and are connected to an Intel Edison for wireless detection and alerting. The entire system runs with a 5V 3A power supply and the sensor data are read through 4-analog input channels of the Intel Edison board. He used an Arduino breakout board for Intel Edison for rapid prototyping of his project. An Intel Edison runs the show for the Environmental Alert System. The Edison is mounted on an Arduino breakout board, which makes it easy to read

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Electronic Snellen eye tester

Snellen chart is the most widely used visual chart across the globe for testing visual acuity. It contains multiple rows of letters that are progressively smaller and is used by an eye doctor to judge patient’s eyesight. Joel Llewelyn, Margot Haas, and Yuchen Liu (three Cornell students) attempted to make an electronic version of Snellen chart that is portable and self-capable of performing the full Snellen eye test at home. The project uses PIC32 microcontroller and a TFT display for showing the letters from the Snellen chart in a progressively smaller font size and the user has to speak over

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ESP8266 Weather widget

Debasish Dutta‘s Weather Widget uses ESP8266 to retrieve local weather information from web and displays it on a 128×64 OLED Display. The device is capable to display current date, time, and weather information as well as future forecasting for 3 days. The real-time weather data are fetched from the Weather Underground ( website using an API Key.

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PIC32 Project: Piano gloves

Piano gloves is another interesting project accomplished by three Cornell students, Sean Carroll, Natalie Moore, and James Talmage, who just passed Bruce Land’s ECE 4670 course on microcontrollers. They created a pair of gloves that can play a grand piano sound with the bending of fingers. A flex sensor attached to each finger on the gloves senses when the user bends a finger. The sensor output goes to a PIC32 processor via a Schimitt trigger circuit. The PIC32 processor, on detecting finger motions, synthesizes and plays appropriate notes on a speaker through a 12-bit DAC. They write, The genesis of this design

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