Firefly is a low-cost flying robot with autonomous navigation

Mihir Garimella is participating in the 2015 Hackaday Prize with his Firefly, an ARM Cortex processor powered low-cost flying robot with autonomous navigation. Firefly changes this. Firefly is a low-cost (~$200), open-source flying robot platform for first responders. It includes a base layer of generic algorithms for completely autonomous flight—algorithms for avoiding obstacles and efficiently searching for targets—that are based on how organisms in nature solve the problems of perception and navigation. Users can plug in application-specific modules containing sensors (e.g., thermal cameras for finding people or gas sensors for finding fires or hazardous chemicals) that work with this algorithmic layer

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ATTINY84 based capacitance meter

ThomasVDD‘s DIY capacitance meter uses a 555 timer circuit as a monostable multivibrator, where the output pulse interval depends upon the value of the capacitance to me measured. An ATTiny84 is used to measure the duration of the 555 timer output pulse, and thus compute the capacitance, which is then displayed on a seven segment LED display module. A while ago I also posted a tutorial on how to measure capacitance with a  PIC microcontroller.

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Cellphone controlled car

This cellphone-controlled toy car is controlled over a phone line by sending DTMF tones from another cell or landline phone. This Project implements the functionality of IVRS (Interactive Voice Response System) technology. The car is controlled by a Mobile phone that makes a call to the phone attached to the Car. During the call, if any key is pressed, a DTMF (Dual Tone Multi Frequency) tone corresponding to the key is sent at the other end. The received tone is processed by the Atmega16 microcontroller with the help of MT8870 DTMF decoder. The decoder converts the tone into an equivalent

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Arduino compass

If your car’s dashboard does not feature compass, you might be interested in this DIY digital compass using Arduino and HMC5883L triple axis magnetometer. The direction you are heading is displayed on a tiny OLED. I’m astounded that some cars don’t have a digital compass always visible. You either have to launch the navigation app each time which may even disappear when you adjust the radio. In this project, you’ll create a digital compass that can be powered by by the cigarette lighter or another source (batteries make it handheld). You could buy one, but where’s the fun in that? You’ll

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