For users of advance MCUs like the XMega it is not necessary to tell what an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) is or what it does. I assume this is not the first family of microcontroller they are dealing with. Unlike the ADCs of other microcontroller the ADC of XMega devices is a highly complex tool. The level of complexity is so much that without understanding every bits-and-pieces of this piece of hardware a user won’t enjoy its absolute power. XMega ADC is also the most confusing hardware as it is not like other MCU ADCs. We will be dealing with ATXMega32A4U

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XMega Clock System

Okay firstly the reason I wrote about the clock system instead of I/O ports or something else in this second post of the XMega series is simply because of the fact that without understanding clock configurations you won’t get what you want from your chip. Since XMega’s clock system is software-level configurable and complex at first, it makes itself the first priority module before anything else. There are several clock sources that XMega micros can use as clock. These are both internal and external clock sources. As stated earlier, clocks are not set by fuse settings unlike traditional Mega AVRs,

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Embedded Lab wishes you a very happy new year

Christmas is over and we are now geared up to say good bye to 2014 and welcome to 2015. Embedded Lab would like to wish all of our readers, supporters, and contributors a very happy and prosperous new year. May 2015 bring you all the great things in your life. And here is the last discount coupon for this year. The discount offer starts now and will run until Jan 1st, 2015. 15% OFF using the code: 6BCF43D Applicable to all serial seven segment LED displays, Easy Pulse sensor, and cascadable LED matrix displays. If you are not familiar with latest Easy

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STM32 GPIO Ports Insights

In any microcontroller there is at least one general purpose input-output port. STM32 is a not different breed and as expected it also has several GPIO ports. These ports are usually named GPIOA, GPIOB, etc. but unlike most 8/16-bit micros these ports are 16 bit wide. Thus, in general, every port has 16 IO pins. Port pins have several modes of operation and this is what that makes them both robust and complex at first. In development boards the IO port pin naming is cut short and so we’ll find PA0, PB12, etc. instead of GPIOA0, GPIOB12, etc. Even in

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Selfiebot: An autonomous photo capturing system

Two Cornell University students, Michael Wang and Jennifer Qian, have built Selfiebot, a personal photo companion that will capture your special moments autonomously. It consists of a physical selfie robot unit with camera holder (webcam in this example) that can pan and tilt the camera for proper positioning, and a control module residing in a laptop computer that relays pan and tilt commands to the robot based on the feedback received from the camera. The user gets control of various settings such as image properties, centering properties, and photo taking parameters. Michael and Jennifer write, We have designed and constructed an

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