Portable GPS logger for runners

Daniel’s portable GPS logger is a university-funded project and is geared towards runners to record their movement. The core hardware of the project mainly consists of an LPC1778 Cortex M3 microcontroller, an Adafruit Ultimate GPS module, and a Newhaven Display 2.4″ ILI9340 QVGA LCD, which are all powered by a 500 mAh Lithium Ion battery.The GPS logger circuit also contains an on-board batter charger circuit using Microchip MCP73831T IC. It displays the current distance traveled and the time taken to travel the distance. The maps are generated from TileMill using a custom color scheme and OpenStreetMap data, and are stored in a microSD card. The electrical

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Turn-taking logger

Conversation analysis (CA) is a disciplined approach of studying natural conversations to understand how participants interact and respond in their turns at talk. The input data for CA is derived from audio or video recording of naturally occurring talk. Turn-taking is considered to be the basic unit of speech in CA. Rachel Yalisove has posted a new instructable about her turn-taking logger, an Arduino-controlled device to monitor and record  turn-takings in a 2-person conversation. The project uses two electret microphone modules with on-board amplifiers to sense the audio levels of the two persons participating in the conversation. The two microphone outputs are continuously monitored

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Arduino-controlled self-balancing dicycle

XenonJohn’s has made this two-wheeled self-balancing scooter, which is Arduino-controlled and uses the ADXL345 accelerometer and the ITG-3200 MEMS gyro together to form an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU). The Arduino MEGA board analyses the outputs from the IMU and signals the Sabertooth dual 25A motor driver (which in turn drives two 24V brushed gear motors) to maintain the balance while you are riding. A 4×20 character LCD provides you status updates during the ride. The motors are powered with a 24V battery, while the control circuit including the Arduino receives the power from six AA batteries.  

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Programmable lithium battery charger shield

Electro-Labs has posted a new project about making a programmable lithium battery charger shield for Arduino. The shield schematic and printed circuit board are designed using the SoloPCB tools, a Windows-based PCB designing tool from FabStream. The charger shield consists of a Nokia 5110 LCD and four tact switches for user interface, which allows users to program the charging voltage and current. Their design also features the ability to monitor the battery status before and during charge. The circuit is based on LT1510 Constant Current/Constant Voltage Battery charger IC from Linear Technology. LT1510 uses the PCB ground plane as heat sink

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