Raspberry Pi animated GIF camera

Most Raspberry Pi based cameras we have seen so far can take either photo, video or both. But Nick Brewer’s Raspberry Pi Zero camera is little different. It’s a fully customizable 3D printed camera using the Raspberry Pi camera with the capability to take short animated GIFs. The camera runs off a 2500mAH LiPO battery using Adafruit’s PowerBoost 500 charger board. The hardware is controlled with a bunch of softwares including PiCamera, GraphicsMagick, and GifCam. The 3D-printed case for the camera is neat and recalls the days of the disposable cameras.
Everything about this camera is designed to be modified.
Want the body of the camera to be a different shape? Play around with the 123D Design files.
Want longer gifs or a different exposure? Dig into the code!
Should it upload to twitter or straight to an SD card?
A 2200mAh lipo battery will give you around 7 hours of use.
A 2500mAh lipo battery will give you around 8 hours of use.