Tag Archives: ANSEL

ADC channels in PIC16F688

The PIC16F688 microcontroller has a built-in 10-bit ADC with eight input channels. The eight channels are available at RA0, RA1, RA2, RA4, RC0, RC1, RC2, and RC3. They have alternate labels, AN0-AN7, for this function, and are multiplexed into a single sample and Hold circuit. The output of the sample and hold is connected to the input of the A/D converter. The A/D conversion is successive approximation based and the 10-bit result is stored  into the ADC result registers ADRESH (A/D Result Higher byte) and ADRESL (A/D Result Lower byte). Each of these registers is 8-bit.

Pin diagram of the PIC16F688 microcontroller

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