Tag Archives: Arduino Programming

Arduino multitasking guide

Bill Earl’s new tutorial on Adafruit is about multitasking with Arduino where he explains practically how to program an Arduino board to perform multiple independent tasks without the processor being tied up to any kind of delay. His approach define each task as an independent state machine which can execute without affecting or being affected by the others.

Arduino multi-tasking

Arduino multi-tasking

Arduino basic I/O learning shield

Jesus Echavarria, an electronic designer from Spain, has informed us about his K4S Keyboard project, which is a basic I/O shield specially designed for learning Arduino Programming using the Scratch for Arduino (S4A) platform. S4A is a modified version of the MIT’s Scratch Project and supports interactive Arduino programming through drag and place blocks.

K4S educating shield

K4S educating shield

The design of K4S board is simple and contains three 10mm LEDs, three tact switches, one potentiometer, and one Piezo buzzer. It can be used for educating kids the basics of Arduino programming using S4A. Experiments that can be done with this shield include basic digital input and output, analog sensing, light dimmer using PWM, and generating sound.