Tag Archives: Arduino tutorial

Another tutorial on using NRF24L01 wireless modules with Arduino

educ8s.tv has posted a new video tutorial on how to connect two Arduino modules with low-cost NRF24L01 wireless modules.

The NRF24L01 module is a low cost bi-directional transceiver module. The cost of it is less than 3$! You can find a link for it in the description of the video. It operates at the 2.4GHz band and it can achieve at a data rate of 2Mbits! Impressive isn’t it? It uses the SPI interface in order to communicate with Arduino, so it is very easy to use with it. We have to connect 7 of the 8 pins of the module in order to make it work with Arduino.

Unfortunately we can’t plug the module in the breadboard so we are going to use male to female wires in order to connect the module to Arduino. Pin number 1 of the module is GND. You have to connect it to Arduino Ground. The next pin is Vcc. You have to connect it to the 3.3V output of the Arduino Uno. Be careful! Do not connect it to 5V or you will destroy your module! The third pin is named CE and you can connect it to any digital pin you like. In this example I am going to connect it to digital pin 7. Pin 4 is CS and you can connect to any digital pin as well. I am going to connect to digital pin 8. The next pin is SCK which goes to digital pin 13 of the Arduino Uno. The next pin is MOSI which goes to digital pin 11 and the last pin in MISO which goes to digital pin 12. That’s it!

How to use HC-SR04 ultrasonic ranging module

Samuel Alexander, a 10th grader from Surabaya, Indonesia, has posted an Instructable on how to use the HC-SR04 ultrasonic module with Arduino for simple distance ranging applications. HC-SR04 is a common choice among hobbyists for obstacle detecting in robotic applications, and his Instructable would be helpful for beginners to learn how to hook this ultrasonic ranging module in your Arduino project.

Ultrasonic ranging

Ultrasonic ranging