Tag Archives: arduino

Web-based relay controller for home automation

Home automation is getting increasingly popular these days mainly due to reduced cost and simplicity through web or smartphone connectivity. Here’s a DIY version of web-based home automation controller that allows you to have a set of six relays connected to the end of a piece of Ethernet cable that can be accessed from a web browser anywhere from your house. You can use it to control or program the operation of lights, water pumps, or any other electrical appliances at home. The project uses Arduino (Atmega328) microcontroller and the ENC28J60 ethernet controller chipset.

Arduino home automation controller

DIY mailbox alert system that texts you when letters arrive

Here’s a DIY mailbox alert system that will free you from guessing, wondering, or making wasted trips to the mailbox only to find it empty. Yes, this Arduino-based mailbox notifier sends you a text whenever you get mail. The device uses a simple light-dependent resistor (LDR) to detect the light levels inside the mailbox. When somebody opens the mailbox, the light level goes up and Arduino knows it is time to send a text. It can also serve as a security device to avoid your mail being stolen if the mailbox is accessed during non-delivery hours. A push switch button at the front of the device is used to arm or activate the sensor. Once the sensor is activated, the next time the mailbox is opened, a text message is sent to your cell phone. It will not send any text again until it’s armed again. This ensures that you don’t get a text every time you open the mailbox. So, a good practice would be to arm the sensor system every time you go pick up your mail.

Mailbox alert system

Arduino-controlled plant watering system

Here is another automatic plant watering system using Arduino. The system continuously senses the moisture condition of soil and activates the water pumping system if the soil condition is too dried. The system also implements a real time clock for timekeeping, LEDs to indicate various soil conditions, and a LCD display to show various parameters including the time and the status of the water pump.

Plant watering system

Build an electric guitar tuner using Arduino

Check this latest instructable on making an Arduino guitar tuner. The audio signal from an electric guitar is amplified and fed to an ADC channel of Arduino, which further processes the signal to extract the major frequency component in the audio. Based on the detected frequency, an LED lights up to show the note of the audio. Besides, it also indicates whether the string being played is sharp, flat, or in tune.

Arduino guitar tuner

DIY remote-controlled electronic scoreboard using LED strips

Most electronic scoreboards are expensive, and not everybody can afford them. This instructable is about a DIY scoreboard for softball that can be constructed for less than $100. The project uses LED strips to make seven segment digits, which are controlled by an Arduino Mega board through shift registers. The scoreboard displays the visitor and home team scores to 2 digits, the inning to 9 and the outs to 3. The display is controlled through an IR remote.

Remote-controlled scoreboard using LED strips

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