Tag Archives: arduino

Laser gun shooting game

Summer is at its peak and if you are looking for an indoor fun project, you might be interested to build this Laser Shooting Game. The project uses two Arduino mini boards; one for a target board and other for a laser gun. The target board has three IR photodiodes placed at the center to receive the laser beam. When the laser hit the target dead center, it is flat on the ground through a servo mechanism for a few seconds and rise up again for another shot.

Laser Shooting game

Here’s a video showing the game in action.

Arduino RoverBot receives commands from a TV remote

A 15 year old Arduino hacker has written this instructable on building an Arduino RoverBot that is controlled through a TV remote. The Arduino-IRremote library is used to decode the IR signals received from the remote. The RoverBot is coded to drive forward and backward by pressing buttons ‘2’ and ‘8, whereas turn left and right using ‘4’ and ‘6’ buttons on the remote. To stop the RoverBot you need to press ‘5’.

Arduino RoverBot controlled by a TV remote

SPI7SEGDISP4.40-1R LED displays are back in stock

SPI7SEGDISP4.40-1R is a serial 4-digit seven segment LED display based on MAXIM’s MAX7219 device. This display module can be interfaced with any microcontroller that has 3 I/O pins available. If the microcontroller features a built-in hardware SPI, then the display module can be interfaced as a SPI slave device. In that case the SPI signal lines SDO (serial data out), SCLK (serial clock), and SS (slave select) from the microcontroller can be directly connected to the DIN, CLK, and LOAD pins labeled on the display module. CS is active low signal.

In case the host microcontroller doesn’t have a hardware SPI module, the interface can be implemented in software. Click here for an example that illustrates how to write a software SPI routine to drive the display module with three general purpose I/O pins of the PIC12F683 microcontroller.

SPI7SEGDISP4.40-1R LED display module

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Universal TV sleep timer project

This TV-Go-Sleep timer turns off any TV after a preset delay time. This project is built around an Arduino microcontroller that uses an open source TV-B-Gone library. The hardware part consists of a pushbutton switch to set the delay time, which is shown on a 7-segment display. When the timer expires, the Arduino transmits “Turn OFF” codes for all known TVs through IR LED, and the TV shuts down.

Universal TV sleep timer

DIY FM transmission station using Arduino

This project describes an Arduino-based FM transmission using the KT0803K Digital Stereo FM Transmitter Radio-Station-on-a-Chip. The KT0803K device is designed to process high fidelity stereo audio signal and transmit modulated FM signal over a short range. It features an on-board 20-bit audio ADC and supports standard I2C interface for frequency setting and power control.

Arduino powered FM transmitter

The project uses the Nokia 5110 GLCD for display and a potentiometer for varying the frequency of FM transmission.

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