Tag Archives: arduino

Arduino based water usage meter

This project (from Teague Labs) was intended to study the usage of water for various purposes and how this information could affect behaviors of persons using water when displayed on real time. The water meter sensor used in this project is INS-FM17N from Koolance. The sensor is directly interfaced to an Arduino that acquires and send data to a web server to make it available online.
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Arduino: 24 hours digital clock

This is an Arduino powered 24-hour digital clock that uses the RTC chip DS1307 for timekeeping. DS1307 has a small battery backup so that it keeps the correct time even the rest of the circuit is not powered. The time is displayed on 5×7 LED dot matrix.

The ATMEGA168 controller and the rest of the circuit is powered by a 9 volt 650 mA power supply with a LM7805 regulator IC.

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Interface a barometric pressure sensor with Arduino

This tutorial describes how to use a pressure sensor with an Arduino board. The sensor used is BMP085, which is a high-precision, ultra-low power barometric pressure sensor for use in advanced mobile applications. It offers superior performance with an absolute accuracy of down to 0.03 hPa and using very low power consumption down to 3 µA. The BMP08 accepts 1.8 to 3.6 Volts and supports I2C interface.

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Radio link between two Arduino boards

If you are looking  a wireless communication between two Arduino modules, this project might be helpful. It uses low costs RF transmitter and receiver from Sparkfun to establish a radio link between the Arduino boards up to 500 ft. Data can be transferred serially at the maximum rate of 2400 bps.

The author provides details on hardware and application software.

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