Tag Archives: Attiny84 computer

ATTiny-based computer with the simplest interface

Designed by Jack Eisenmann, the DUO Binary is an ATTiny84-based computer with a single button for input and a single LED for output.

Binary Duo computer

DUO Binary computer

Video demonstration of DUO Binary is posted below.

Parts used:
Microcontroller: ATTINY84-20PU
(x2) 3 pin male header: 69190-403
2 MB flash: SST25VF016B-50-4C-S2AF
128 KB SRAM: 23LC1024-I/P
14 pin IC socket: 4814-3000-CP
8 pin IC socket: 4808-3000-CP
(x2) 4 pin female header: 929974-01-04-RK
(x2) 4 pin male header: 68000-104HLF
SOIC to DIP board: 485-1212
(x3) 0.1 uF capacitor: K104K15X7RF5TL2
Button: B3F-1000
300 ohm resistor: 291-330-RC
(x5) 10K ohm resistor: 291-10K-RC
(x1 for microcontroller reset, x1 for MISO, x1 for flash CE, x1 for SRAM CE, x1 for button)
Larger capacitor: UVR1H100MDD1TA
Switch: MHSS1104
Battery holder: 534-2462

“User interface”:
The user and computer take turns transmitting 6-bit character encoded strings to each other. Strings are terminated by the null character. Characters are transmitted from most significant to least significant bit. After each character the listener will transmit an acknowledge bit. If the acknowledge bit is 1, the transmitter should send the same byte again. A 0 is represented by a short pulse. A 1 is represented by a long pulse.