Tag Archives: attiny85 project

ATtiny85 based mini weather station

This Instructable describes a mini weather station using ATtiny85 and DHT11 sensor. It consists of TX and RX units with a 433MHz RF link to connect them. The TX unit sends temperature and humidity measurements to RF module, which then displays the data on an LCD.

Mini weather station

Mini weather station

In a recent instructable Indigod0g described a mini weather station that works pretty well, using two Arduinos. Maybe not everyone wants to sacrifice 2 Arduinos to get humidity and temperature readings and I commented that it should be possible to do a similar function with two Attiny85’s. I guess talk is easy, so I better put my money where my mouth is.

In fact, if I combine two earlier instructables I wrote:

2-Wire LCD interface for Arduino or Attiny
Receiving and sending data between Attiny85 (Arduino IDE 1.06)
then most of the work is already done. Only need to adapt the software a bit.

I chose for a two wire lcd solution with a shift register, rather than an I2C LCD because on the Attiny the shift register is easier to implement than the I2C bus.