Tag Archives: autonomous cooler

Arduino controlled autonomous cooler

This Arduino-powered autonomous cooler follows you to the park or beach by connecting to your smartphone via Bluetooth, and is also GPS-enabled to self-navigate. The electronics is powered by a 5V power supply, whereas a 3s LiPo battery is used to power the motors. Controlled with an Android App, the cooler also features motorized lid that can be opened through the App.

Autonomous cooler

Autonomous cooler

A HC-05 Bluetooth module was mounted at the front of the platform for better range. The rest of the components including a L298N motor driver, PAM-7Q GPS, and HMC6883L compass were mounted inside and connected to the Arduino through the breadboard.

The compass works with I2C, so we connected the SLC and SDA pins to A5 and A4 respectively. The rest of the pins were connected through digital I/O. For more information on how we connected the wires, see the diagrams provided in the schematics section below.