Tag Archives: digital project

Fancy LED Christmas Tree

Chris from PyroElectro has posted a tutorial on creating an LED Christmas tree controlled entirely by digital logic. His Christmas tree is cone shaped where 64 LEDs spiral around it from top to bottom. Each LED is individually controllable through a 74HC595 shift register output. The clock for shift register is generated using 555 timer IC. The LED Christmas tree can display two types of patters, one is more predictable and another random.

LED Christmas tree

Chris is also running a fund raising campaign on Kickstarter to get support for launching a free online Digital Electronics course. For past few years Chris has been working dedicatedly towards educating people about different aspects of electronics including microcontrollers, FPGA, RF, robotics, etc by providing free online resources on his website (www.PyroElectro.com). His tutorials are mostly learning-by-doing type where he actually build things first to illustrate the concepts. Only 3 days are left for his campaign to end; if you would like to support his efforts, here’s the link to his Kickstarter campaign:
