Tag Archives: ftdi

Mikroelektronika announces to develop compilers for FTDI’s 32-bit MCUs

MikroElektronika has announced a close cooperation with FTDI Chip to develop a series of compilers and hardware development boards for FTDI’s FT90X series of microcontrollers.

1st October 2014 – Belgrade-headquartered development tool chain supplier MikroElektronika has signed a formal agreement with FTDI Chip to create mikroC, mikroBasic and mikroPascal compilers for the FT90X 32-bit microcontroller offering. The FT90X utilises a proprietary 32-bit RISC architecture – allowing it to set performance benchmarks beyond 2.93DMIPS/MHz, with true zero wait-states operation up to 100MHz frequencies, as well as capacious memory and an array of advanced connectivity resources.

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MikroElektronika develops compilers for FTDI new MCUs

MikroElektronika develops compilers for FTDI new MCUs