Tag Archives: MAX7219

0-9999 seconds count down timer using PIC12F683 microcontroller

The goal of this project is to construct a simple 0-9999 seconds count down timer with an alarm and a display. The time is set through two tact switches and the count down seconds are displayed on a 4-digit seven segment LED display. The project uses PIC12F683 microcontroller for all I/O and timing operations and MAX7219 IC for driving the seven segment LED module. The time out condition is indicated by an audible alarm from a buzzer.

0-9999 seconds timer

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More MAX7219 based serial seven segment LED displays are available now!

Due to high demand of the MAX7219 based serial 4-digit seven segment LED displays, I recently ordered more PCBs for this. You can now order a complete kit for $11.99 and an assembled module for $13.99. Both prices include free shipping within the continental United States.

Serial 7-segment LED display

The display is based on the MAX7219 driver chip that supports 3-wire SPI interface. You can find an interfacing example for PIC12F683 microcontroller here. The example code is written in C and therefore, it can be easily implemented to any other microcontroller family.

This display module is available for purchase as a kit. The price of the kit is $11.99 which includes free shipping (regular USPS) within the United States. The payment will be through Paypal. If you want this kit, email me first at admin (at) embedded-lab.com, and I will send you my Paypal information.

Serial four digit 7-segment LED display module

Seven segment LED displays are a very popular mean of displaying numerical information and finds application in front panel display boards of microwave ovens, washers and dryers, digital clocks, frequency counters, and many other gadgets. Compared to the LCD displays, the seven segment LED displays are brighter and provide a far viewing distance and a wide viewing angle. However, the downside is they are resource-hungry. It requires at least 12 I/O pins of a microcontroller to drive a standard 4-digit seven segment LED module. Consequently, their use with low pin-count microcontrollers (such as PIC12F series) is not practically feasible. Here’s a solution for that. The following 4-digit seven segment LED module features a serial interface that requires only 3 I/O pins of a microcontroller and provides full control of all digits and decimal points .

Four digit serial 7-segment LED display

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