Tag Archives: pizza button

Order your favorite pizza with just the push of a button

Hungry pizza-lover yet excessively lethargic to pick up the phone or use an app to order online? Don’t worry, this Emergency Pizza button will let you instantly order a pizza full of your favorite toppings with the simple push of the button. The Pizza Button uses the BeagleBone Black microcontroller board which does all of web scrapping for you behind the screen. When the button is pressed, the web scraper can log into your Grub Hub account and order a pizza from your favorite online store (the author has programmed it for making online order from San Francisco North Beach Pizza).

The Python application for Pizza Button interacts with webpages through Selenium, which is a software tool for automating web browsing. To further enhance the browsing experience, the application incorporates the PhantomJS headless browser. A headless browser is a GUI-less web browser, not meant for displaying content to users, that accesses web pages and provides their contents to other programs. The combination of all these tools together facilitates the Pizza Button to login to your personal GrubHub account, browse through the menu of your favorite online pizza store, and orders a pizza of your choice. It all happens with just the push of the button.

Emergency pizza button

Emergency pizza button