Tag Archives: robotic arm

Arduino controlled low-cost robotic arm

Induatrial robotic arms are quite expensive. Dan Royer is building an Arduino-controlled open-source robotic arm affordable to the DIY makers community.

Open-source 5-axis robotic arm

Open-source 5-axis robotic arm

Industrial arms starts at $10k each and go up from there. With low cost hardware everywhere now, I see a market opportunity for low cost arms to serve small industry. I’d like to drive the cost down by making an arm that others can tinker with, improve on, and build community around. I’d like to see two arms assemble a third.

Tell Elon Musk I need his rockets – lets put Marginally Clever robots to work building that lunar colony.

Arduino-controlled prosthetic hand operates on verbal commands

Here is a really cool instructable about making a prosthetic hand cum arm that operates on voice commands. The project uses a modified version of the InMoov hand/forearm to construct a five-finger prosthetic hand, which is controlled by an Arduino Uno along with a voice-recognition shield. This hand can perform 15 general hand gestures and actions that are used in daily life, such as pinch, peace, thumbs up, point, etc.

Arduino-controlled prosthetic hand operates with voice commands