Can’t access to Microchip’s website this morning

When I tried to access this morning, the page didn’t show up. This is what I have been seeing. I can’t access to any information and datasheets. Is anybody else having the same issue?
Sorry, it was my bad, I have this problem with one of my machines, but it’s working good on other machines. I should have checked this before.
same lah, I used my laptop and my working PC but still cannot access Microchipweb, dont know whats happening. How to go to the real website?
Yup, having the same problem.
Hi every one,
I have the same problem on all of my PC’s in the lab…
Any solution?
I still have the problem with everybody else at work here. Pls. write us the IP address of the valid webpage of Microchip!
Sorry, it was something wrong with my machine. I can access from one PC but not from another, strange.
also me. I tried with other 2 pc, and them I can enter the site true microchip
idem anche a me.Ho provato a collegarmi con un’altri 2 pc, e li non ci sono problemi.