Category Archives: ESP8266

IoT enabled background radiation monitoring device

DIY Geiger counter projects are very popular among hobbyists. Geiger counters are used to detect beta particles and gamma rays radioactive emissions.They all use a Geiger-Muller (GM) tube, which is a glass tube filled with an inert gas such as helium, neon, or argon at low pressure, to which a high voltage is applied. The tube becomes conductive of electricity when it is impacted by a high-energy particle or photon. We have seen radiation monitor builds before based on 555 Timer IC and ESP8266. Brett Oliver‘s IoT enabled Radiation Monitor is Arduino-based and WiFi-enabled using ESP8266 and it continuously monitor the surrounding radiation and log the

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ESP8266/ESP32 electronic sticky note using e-paper display

E-paper displays are new innovative commercial displays that resembles ink on paper, requires ultra-low power, and can retain the image displayed even in the absence of power. Frank Buss‘ entry to 2017 Hackaday Prize contest is a solar-powered e-Paper display driven by ESP32/ESP8266 and a sticky magnet on back that can be used as a sticky note on a fridge to display important information over WiFi. Frank writes, The amazing thing about ePapers is that the image lasts without power forever (I tested it for months), and the contrast is very good. The idea is to build a small device

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Another ESP8266 internet clock using LED matrix panels

Internet has made it easy for computers to synchronize their clocks to an accurate clock value generated by a remote server. We discussed earlier how to make ESP8266-based internet clocks that utilizes National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) NTS service to retrieve accurate time information and display it on a 4-digit seven segment LED display and on a TFT display. This article from Ayzenberg describes a similar ESP8266-based internet clock that displays time on a large 16×72 LED matrix panel. It also features APIs for displaying messages or setting the display brightness.

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ESP8266 LightBox lights up in rhythm with your music

David-mccann made a fancy LightBox powered by an ESP8266 module and controlled via a smartphone app. It uses your phone’s or tablet’s built-in microphone to analyze the surrounding music and generates beautiful light patterns matching with the music. All you need to do is to start the app, place the phone near your music system and the LightBox will visualize the sound in real-time. It can also be used a colorful ambient light. Plug in your LightBox. It should turn blue and you should be able to see a WiFi network called “lightbox” on your phone or tablet. If the box turns red when you

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ESP8266 volumeter

This ESP8266-based IoT volumeter measures the volume of an open space inside an enclosure using ultrasonic sensors. Three HC-SR04 ultrasonic transceivers are placed orthogonally to measure distances (width, height and lenght) along the three directions to compute the volume. The measurements are sent to the CloudMQTT server and displayed as graph.

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