Digilent announces Design Contest 2013 for US and EU regions

Digilent has just announced their annual US and EU regional Digilent Design Contests for 2013. Digilent Design Contests are engineering contests open to all students enrolled in any educational institution in that region. Students are challenged to create an original project featuring whether FPGA boards featuring state-of-the-art Xilinx FPGAs, microcontroller boards featuring Microchip microcontrollers, or chipKIT boards based on the Arduino development environment.
To develop innovative projects using Digilent products. These can be:
- Digital design projects featuring Digilent’s FPGA boards, developed in environments such as Xilinx ISE WebPack or ISE Foundation, etc.
- Microcontroller projects featuring Digilent’s PIC-based embedded control boards, developed in environments such as Microchip MPLAB, MPIDE, etc.
- Implementation of a custom ARM processor (System-on-Chip hardware design) and application system in and around an FPGA using the ARM Cortex-M0 DesignStart Processor IP
This contest is open to all university students and will be held in a number of regions around the world. See below for the regional contest nearest you!
You should be a part of it RAJ! 🙂