Dtto robot is the 2016 Hackaday Prize Winner

Dtto, a modular self-reconfigurable robot, is the grand prize winner of the 2016 Hackday contest. Dtto’s design is focused on all-terrain search and rescue operations using bio-inspired locomotion mechanisms.
The Dtto Modular Robot has been designed with adaptability in mind. Inspired by how fire antscolonies work, a number of modules (or small robots) find each other, connect mechanically and colaborate to act as one only robot, creating a collective inteligence. They can link together and bulid structures without any central comand. The advantatge of being all modules the same is that, if one of them breaks, it can easily get replaced by another one, creating a self-healing structure.
By changing its configuration, the Dtto robot can move like a snake through a small pipeline, then transform into a wheel-like robot to move faster, then transform to a centipede robot when there is no vertical space and finally build a bridge to get to the other side of the hanging floor.