Another RPi-based solar powered weather station

Brian Masney from Morgantown, WV has designed a full-featured solar powered weather station that includes sensors for measuring rain, wind, temperature, humidity, and pressure. It runs on a Raspberry Pi Zero running the latest Raspbian Testing Lite and is powered by a 6600mAH 3.7V lithium ion battery that is charged using a 6V 9W solar panel. The solar panel is attached to the top of the project box using several large pieces of Velcro. More information about the solar setup can be found on Adafruit’s Website. Be sure to connect the PowerBoost 1000 to the battery charge output pins; not to

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Open Indirect Ophthalmoscope is a portable screening device for retinal diseases

Ebin Philip is participating in Hack A Day Prize 2016 with his Open Indirect Ophthalmoscope, which is an open source, affordable, and portable screening device for capturing quality retinal images. Diabetic Retinopathy is a complication of diabetes causing damage to the retina, eventually leading to blindness. The cost of state of the art retinal imaging devices required for identifying this disorder lies in the range $10,000 – $25,000. This makes them inaccessible for the population in rural areas or developing countries. We aim to develop a device under $400 which can provide reasonable quality retinal images to clinicians. Currently there are

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Arduino waveform generator

joekutz built an arduino waveform generator using a 8-bit resistor ladder DAC and can output sine, sawtooth, and triangular waveform with frequency ranging from 1 Hz to 30KHz. This is my arduino-based waveform generator using a 8-bit resistor ladder DAC. It runs with a sampling rate of 65536 Hz and can create any (whole-number) frequency from 1 Hz to 30ish KHz in sine-wave, sawtooth, triangle and different ratios of square wave. My generator produces an amplified signal and also a unamplified, high-quality signal. There is a LCD built in that shows the current frequency, and also a speaker. The LCD is

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Making a simple ESP8266-based clock synchronized to NIST server

Internet has made it quite easy for computers to synchronize their clocks to an accurate clock value generated by a remote server. In the United States, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) provides official time. NIST disseminates the time using several methods, which include broadcasting over short-wave and long-wave radio, telephone dial-in services (ACTS), and Network Time Service (NTS) over the internet. This article describes a ESP8266-based clock project that utilizes NIST’s NTS service to retrieve accurate time information and display it on a 4-digit seven segment LED display. The time is synchronized to the NIST server after

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Tiva C Clock System

The clock system of a microcontroller is a fundamental element. Clock system provides the heart-beat needed to keep applications running in a synchronous manner. In the case of Tiva C micros the clock system is as much as sophisticated and elaborate as with any other ARM micros. In this post we will explore this basic block of Tiva C micros. We will see that the clock system is a network of different clock sources and internal units that are intertwined in a complex but easy manner.

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