How to interface MAXIM’s DS1868 digital potentiometer with a PIC microcontroller

Potentiometers find applications in many electrical devices. For example, a light dimmer uses a potentiometer to control the brightness of lamps. In amplifiers, they are used to control the output volume of the music, or change the bass level. In an adjustable power supply we see potentiometers to vary the output voltage and current. In a frequency generator, they are used to control the duty cycle and frequency of the output signal. These potentiometers are electro-mechanical transducers that convert the rotary or linear displacement into a change in resistance. This change in resistance can be used to control anything from the brightness of a lamp to the direction of a rocket. But things have been changed lately. You can now vary the brightness of the lamp with touch switches. The volume of an amplifier can be controlled through a remote, and the frequency of an oscillator can be varied with tact switches. There are still potentiometers in these devices but in the form of silicon chips and not in the conventional electro-mechanical form. These are called digital potentiometers and today we will discuss about MAXIM’s DS1868 chip, which has two digitally controlled potentiometers. We will interface it to a PIC16F1827 microcontroller and vary the position of the wiper terminals from one end to the other.