Integrating STM32F4xx Standard Peripheral Library with MikroC Pro for ARM

STM32F4xx series micros are far more advanced than anything else similar in the market. Apart from being fast 32-bit MCUs, STM32F4s have rich hardware peripheral support with DSP engine bonus. In terms of capabilities versus price tag, STM32F4s are all-square-winners. In recent times there’s a surge in the STM32 user community. STM32 Discovery boards are proliferating like never before. In several occasions recently, I received tangible amounts of queries from readers regarding integration of STM32F4xx Standard Peripheral Library (SPL) with MikroC Pro for ARM and so even though it is not one of my mainstream posts on STM32 ARMs, I felt that I should address this topic. Previously I showed how to port STM32F1xx SPL for STM32F1xx series devices with MikroC. This post will not be different from the former one – only minute changes. I suggest readers to read the earlier post first before reading this one.