Upcycling a vintage film camera with Raspberry Pi

Gone are the days of vintage film cameras. If you still have one such camera lying around, you might want to consider upcycling it to a digital camera as a weekend fun project following this instrcutable. The author shows how to convert a 35mm twin-reflex film camera to digital using a Raspberry Pi zero with a camera module connected, a 1.8″ TFT LCD, and a rechargeable USB power bank. The camera also implement a push button for snapping pictures.
The hardware setup for this project is simple. The TFT LCD data and control pins directly connect to the I/O pins of the Pi Zero. The LCD screen fits into the viewfinder spot of the twin-reflex camera so that you can visually see the field of view of the camera lens while snapping shots. The instructable also describes a detail software setup process along with python scripts for controlling camera and uploading the pictures to user’s dropbox account via WiFi. If you love watching videos, the author has also posted the same instructions in a two-part video tutorial. The link to the first part is posted below: